"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Cup Overflowing, 301-320

Thanksgiving, of late, has been my lifesaver.  It has helped insure that I live in the moment ... and not in that distance called "out there."  I counted ...

#301  laughing so hard at my niece's Instagram posts that I have to brace myself against the wall

#302  the smell of banana shrub as I help my daddy pull it off the truck bed and take it to the curb

#303  cleansing tears

#304  the Lord's prayer and learning to pray it again

#305  a young man that God continues to bring across mine and Sandy's path -- and another opportunity to just love him

#306  a girl's trip with 2 of my favorite girls (and daring to be different)

Only these two could have talked me into such.

#307  crossing the finish line ... on my feet!

#308  gut wrenching laughter -- even if it is at my expense
I said, "Flaming TURTLE," y'all!
#309  the sense of smell that alerts me to trouble

#310  learning to wait

#311  a day spent Christmas shopping with my mom

#312  the way children worship ... it is so pure

#313  a pastor who is teachable

#314  a friend's backyard that dates back to childhood -- and all the memories it holds

#315  being pleasantly surprised by another musician's spirit

#316  a Psalm of Thanks

#317  the sacred quiet of an empty sanctuary before worshipers begin arriving

#318  simple adornment

#319  a table made ready ... and the anticipation of partaking

#320  wrapping my arms around a friend and the years of love that pass between us

Just ordinary moments turned holy by experiencing them in the now...

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