"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Cup Overflowing, 161-180

In his A Testament of Devotion, Thomas R. Kelly calls it "the immediate experience of the Presence."  As he writes concerning our weighing the past in preparation for the future, "The Now is no mere nodal point between the past and the future.  It is the seat and region of the Divine Presence itself."
I pray you're experiencing God in your NOW moments.  And counting...

#161  the season’s last berries


#162  a divine appointment at the gym
#163  praying at the pharmacy
#164  a rainy afternoon with Mike and Julie -- always a blessing...

#165  seeing a common duck's beauty for the first time 

#166  passages of Scripture that bring tears to my eyes
#167  acquaintances who become friends
#168  the way fog rolls in and coats the morning … and the way the sun rises and ushers it out again
#169  a would-be moment of complaining and grumbling turned into thanksgiving – a true work of the Spirit
#170  the early morning sound of approaching geese in flight
#171  the way my heart is transformed by taking the time to sit in God’s presence
#172  an early Sunday morning email that speaks encouragement and life to me
#173  the way a squirrel "talks" to me -- by swishing his tail and barking

#174  for establishing new relationships with old friends – and celebrating them on their birthdays … Thankful for the years, Debra
#175  that God loves beauty
#176  a 4th Century theologian and desert father named Evagrius – 1600 years later his words still speak to a woman in middle GA

#177  sitting with my daddy in church

#178  my daddy's hands

#179  sunshine and rain … simultaneously

#180  that every “now” is an eternity if it is full of God (Frank Laubach)

Thankful for ordinary moments ...

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