"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Cup Overflowing, 1-43

It's a daunting task: to commit to naming 1,000 gifts.  {See original posting here.}  But whereas I cannot out give God, I can be diligent in recognizing His bounty and manifold goodness and begin thanking Him properly.  I’ve been keeping a list now for over 2 weeks, so what’s listed in this first log will be longer than what the following weekly entries will contain.

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve read back over my list is that this journal keeping has become just that: a journal.  I can look back over it and remember my days – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  “Teach me to number so I might gain a heart of wisdom…”  Right?

As Ann Voscamp says in her book, One Thousand Gifts, "Time is a relentless river.  It rages on, a respecter of no one."  Her answer to such is to enter time's swift current with full attention and live fully in the moment.  She continues, "And when I'm always looking for the next glimpse of glory, I slow and enter.  And time slows.  Weigh down this moment in time with attention full, and the whole of time's river slows, slows, slows."

Step in the river with me, won't you?  Into the sacrament of the present moment.  My cup overflows -- and I bet yours does, too.

#1  grace – Pure, unadulterated grace.  As I sat on my couch here in the sun room contemplating that one gift – thanking God – as I live and breathe, my next gift “happened.”

#2  two full grown dear sprinting across my back yard.  It was 1 John 1:16 in action!  “From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” It was as if God was saying, “You cannot get the upper hand in this thing!” 

#3  heirloom tomatoes on the vine

#4  morning bounty from my garden

#5  busy bees doing their thing

#6  hands clasped at breakfast – heads bowed

#7  a mid-morning snack of frozen cherries

#8  the sudden smell of chocolate

#9  the color of eggplant – so royal

#10  the power-filled testimony of a certain young woman, Julie Sharpe, who I knew and loved so many years ago … and still do  Out of darkness -- into His marvellous light!!!

#11  the life of Mark Smith, a fellow classmate  For him the race is over and the victory won.

#12  morning sanctuary

 #13  leaves piled on a curb

#14  hearing my "children's" band for the first time and watching my sweet daughter-in-love sing “Revelation Song” Oh, my...

#15  the smell of wild ginger  It’s important to listen to what God is saying through each gift.  This one held a special word. Intercessory...

#16  wild turkeys

#17  doing “guy things” with my husband and oldest son

#18  the sound of a waking creation

#19  the cool breeze against my sun-warmed skin

#20  a sanctuary full of excited and talkative teenagers  Life!!!

#21  a Sabbath sunset

#22  a shopping trip with my daddy – and lunch at Firehouse Subs  At 81, he still insists on carrying the packages. Such a gentleman, my dad... 

#23  Cynthia, my college roommate – and God’s continuous work of redemption in her life

#24  the sunrise song of cicadas

#25  enjoying an unusually cool June morning

#26  watching two squirrels at play

#27  celebrating Retha  It was at her feet I sat for my first women's Bible study.  She struck the original match.

#28  an unexpected guest

#29  sitting with my parents on their porch and just being

#30  faithful companions along the Way -- through thick and thin  A chord of 3 is not easily broken.

Me, Vicki and Retha

 #31  the Word incarnate fleshing its way out

#32  a deep drink resulting in a refreshed spirit

#33  to be born in the USA

#34  for all those who have lived and died protecting our freedom

#35  family – and the retelling of stories

#36  for laughter around the dinner table – the kind that makes mascara run

#37  a tired body and a bed in which to fall

#38  morning rays streaming into my bedroom reminding me to open wide the windows of my heart and let Him in

#39  truly tasting for the first time the sweetness of a fresh Georgia peach on the tongue

#40  and Mennonite toast with fresh butter -- for breakfast

#41  a swallowtail sipping nectar

#42  a Swedish body massage Oh, yes, thank You, Jesus!

#43  Angie – a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord

Thank You, Lord.  My cup overflows.

Just an ordinary moment...


Julie said...

I love how you really truly "see" things - as God intended for us to see!

Julie Sharpe said...

I love this.... I am thankful for the tears... For years, I could not and would not cry. That may be difficult for you to believe. When God delivered me, the tears came again...the kind that cleanse from deep within. I thank you for so many things that words just can't express right now... but I praise the Living God for true tears... I love you Nancy...your eloquent "thanks" just brought them! ----Julie Sharpe