"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Julie is a special breed when it comes to being a friend. The rarest kind. I remember the first time she walked into the fellowship hall for our Thursday night dinner at Richmond Hill United Methodist Church. I liked her immediately. But our relationship really began to flourish as we began meeting at the ballpark to watch our boys play baseball.

Julie and I "did" Sunday School and Bible study together. We enjoyed the same Koinonia group for several years, eating together monthly with our spouses in tow. Julie even taught me how to camp. When we pulled into the campsite that first afternoon, she said, "This is what you do." The girl pulled out two folding chairs and motioned for me to sit. She said, "We watch while the guys do all the work." Ah, yes. Friends for life!
I even experienced my first -- and only -- St. Patrick's Day Parade in Savannah with this dear friend. What a day to remember. We're proof that you can do the day without alcohol -- and enjoy it!
Julie and I have spent days at Universal Studios and nights evacuating hurricanes. We always find each other amid thousands of ladies at women's conferences. And just a few months ago, we found ourselves in Rome, GA during the coldest weather this part of the country has just about ever seen. She has even been a Mama to my middle child -- not only by leaving the light on for him at night, but by doing his laundry for months on end.

Julie is beautiful, gracious, generous, giving, and hospitable. She throws every bride a party and every new mother a shower. She rocks premi babies at hospitals and sits with friends who have lost loved ones. She has led numerous women's Bible studies, and not only is she a present force for her entire family, but she volunteers at youth events hosting 26,000 college age kids. She capsulizes a servant's heart and God uses her mightily on a daily basis.

Just before I left Richmond Hill, Julie showed up at my door one final time. As we were saying goodbye, the last thing she said was, "What am I going to do without you?" Well, dear friend, you've done just fine. In fact, I'd say you are very much esteemed among women and I am so honored to call you my friend.

A few more pictures:
Julie and Timothy (her baby) last week as we dined at Molly McPherson's in Richmond Hill.

John -- you're the man! I'll camp with you and Julie any day!

The kids at Universal Studios 10 years ago.

Julie and her "boys."
Matthew, John, Julie, Jonathon, Timothy

One last note on the boys:

Timothy is an awesome young man who becomes a Georgia Bulldog next Thursday -- leaving Julie and John as distraught empty nesters.

Matthew is finishing up his RN degree in Jacksonville, GA while his wife trains seals for the US government.

And Jonathon works for Shelley and Louie Giglio and tends to run out of gas in their driveway leaving him embarrassingly stranded.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Your words are much too sweet. You made me cry! Thank you for being my friend and encouraging me....
Much love,