"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Cup Overflowing, 801-820

If it's true that "the Kingdom of God is NOW," (and it is), then let's give thanks for this present moment ... for this is where God abides.

#801  interruptions that keep me from falling into sin

#802  the Carolina wren that allows itself to be heard and seen (normally they stay hidden in the brush, but this little fellow perched itself on an open space in the tree)

#803  a 2-year old singing

#804  an Elijah sermon -- "they worshiped" ... and giving it time to settle on me

#805  a hard Eucharisteo -- a friend calling to say she has cancer

#806  sitting with a friend in interior design shop, holding hands, and unburdening our hearts

#807  for lifelong companions on the Way

#808  God's protection through the storm

#809  for an unshakable Kingdom -- Rev. 1:9

#810  for remissions

#811  picking blueberries while an impending storm bears down

#812  growth charts

An old louvered door where my brothers and I were measured each year on our birthdays

#813  for the first breakthrough of the sun in days

#814  family genealogies -- and God's faithfulness

#815  the Eastern Phoebe that lit just outside my window this morning

#816  rocking my "baby" and the big eyes that look up at me ... and smile

#817  for the Kingdom that is above me, around me, within me

#818  for broken places -- because it's in the brokenness that the fragrance of God is released

#819  a granddaddy's sense of humor in dress code

#820  four little birds learning to fly

May you sense His presence with you today.

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