"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Cup Overflowing, 641-660

Count the way He loves.  1...2...3...4...5...

#641  tranquil settings

#642  shades and shades of green

#643  winding roads and rolling pastures

#644  experiencing God's presence at unlikely places among unlikely partners -- The Gourd Place

#645  the spray in my face -- Duke Creek Falls

#646  the journey up

#647  turquoise ... and a reminder to pray, pray, pray

#648  last minute detours 

#649  a Sunday afternoon happy place -- filling newly purchased pottery with gifts from my yard

#650  the crimson veins of Swiss chard

#651  the freshness that comes from spending time with special friends
Bill and Lynn Strickland

#652  wild verbena -- one man's weeds is another man's wildflowers

#653  bounty

#654  quiet mornings at home

#655  pecan-orchard green

#656  country rides and barn-roof red

#657  circles of prayer

#658  a communion anthem
Bread of the world, in mercy broken
Wine of the world, in mercy shed,
By whom the words of life were spoken,
And in whose death our sins are dead.
Reginald Heber
#659  for an old, rugged cross -- the very heart of the gospel

#660  God's spectacularly beautiful creation

Oh, yes, how He loves.

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