"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Cup Overflowing, 461-480

The Psalmist said that it's a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to His name; to tell of His loving-kindness early in the morning and of His faithfulness in the night seasons (Psalm 92:1-2).

Are you doing the GOOD THING?

#461  birthday parties -- How in the world does one get 20 little kids to sit still long enough for a picture?  Wrap them in Christmas lights and give them balloons!

Stryder -- the birthday boy

#462  the way little boys play ... dressed for a party or not

#463  boy cousins

#464  a brother's affection -- one of my favorite things about being in church with one of my brothers is the way he'll come sit on the bench with me after the service

#465  a beautiful, restful and quiet Sunday afternoon

#466  Charles Wesley and Pachelbel .... combined

#467  the way amethyst "catches fire" in the sun

#468  Monday morning sinus pressure -- it was my GIVEn reality; therefore, a gift

#469  icy blueberries and cereal

#470  a cardinal's chichi crest

#471  safe travels for a son and his youth group

#472  good temperaments

#473  well-loved books -- Even to my earliest childhood, I can't remember a time I wasn't taken by this book.

#474  joyful giving

#475  the arrival of the goldfinch and their sweet twitters

#476  sacred space

#477  breathtaking aromas ... Christ's Episcopal Church Show of Flowers

#478  haircuts that turn a baby into a little boy

#479  warm fires on wintry mornings

#480  dormancy .... waiting ... a season of hope

My cup overflows...

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