"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Joy on the Beach

I saw them right away from my 3rd story balcony.  At first, she was standing in the surf and he was taking her picture, and then he walked into the water and she took his.  She had rolled up her blue jeans to her knees and he was covered head to toe in golden brown Carhartt overalls, soggy now at the bottom.  I was on the way out to the water myself, and when I came close, I noticed that his right hand was only a claw.  He looked at me and said, “That’s the biggest dang pond I’ve ever seen.”  We laughed and I asked if they’d like for me to take a picture of the both of them together.  She was delighted and handed me the camera.  Turns out they were from Oklahoma and had travelled several days just so they could see the Atlantic Ocean.  They had only arrived that evening and were not disappointed.  (How often I take that “pond” for granted.)  We didn’t exchange names or such, but I remember when we parted, each couple going off in their own direction, the joy I was feeling inside for having met them for that very brief moment.  And I wondered…

Early the next morning my husband and I were once again out taking our walk, and there they were.  Again, they were not difficult to spot.  At least he wasn’t. 

He was wearing Oklahoma Sooner’s crimson and cream.  We greeted each other again, and I asked them how long they would be staying and she said, “Oh, we’re leaving this morning.”  I couldn’t help but think to myself, “You mean to tell me you drove 2 days, over 1000 miles one way, and are turning around to go home in less than 24 hours?”  But they did and they were.  When I asked if they’d like another picture, she lifted her camera from around her neck and said, “No, but could I take a picture of you -- our new Georgia friends?”  And so we posed…

And again I experienced joy … and wondered.

JOY.  Paul told the Galatians it’s a byproduct of life in the Spirit.  His indwelling produces a natural outflow of joy.  Yet he told those in Thessalonica to BE joyful always.  What that tells me is that I am to CHOOSE it!  That joy is not an emotion but an act of my will.  And I guess its counterpart would be that when I have a bad or sour attitude, when I grumble or complain, I’ve chosen that as well.  All are heart choices.  Ouch…

It has been over 6 weeks and I still think about that nameless couple from Oklahoma.  Do they know Jesus?  Nothing tells me they don’t.  But the scent of joy they left behind in their wake says to me they just might. 

Choose joy.

Just an ordinary moment…

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