"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Cup Overflowing, 741-760

I read this earlier today: we give thanks to God not because of how we feel, but because of who He is.  And He is all good and He is all benevolent.  All the time.

#741  that my heart has been fashioned to long after God (and so has yours)

#742  a neighbor's freshly homemade blueberry jam delivered to my front door

#743  a tiny ladybug in a small hand

#744  watching a great-granddaddy teach a great-grandson to prune

#745  for advanced technology that allows 2 people on different places on the globe to connect

#746  for a little boy who sleeps well through the night allowing his grandmother to do the same

#747  the gift of rejection -- it allows the opportunity to enter into the suffering of Christ and to extend grace

#748  that I was raised in a home that taught Christ and not some other world religion ... or no religion at all

#749  for cowboys waiting to be let out of the stall

#750  season's first freezing

#751  a morning of planes and discovery

#752  getting on the floor and "playing cars" for the umpteenth time of the day with my favorite little meister

#753  kneeling in prayer with a 2-year old

#754  the way God undeniably speaks to me -- prodding me in a certain direction

#755  yet another nest of baby birds on my front door making 2 this season

#756  the sound of women's pencils scrawling gifts across a lined page

#757  a plate of goodies, cookies and strawberries, set out by a hostess

#758  hugging a friend

#759  two baby kittens playing just outside my window

#760  a father and son reunion


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