"What He ordains for us each moment is what is most holy, best, and most divine for us." Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Want to Live Like That

As I sat in a booth at a fast-food chain Sunday while my husband waited at the counter for our food, I couldn't help but overhear the lady several tables over.  My attention had already been drawn to her earlier as we ordered our meal.  Let's just say she was loud ... and demanded attention.  While I waited, she continued.  First she complained about the lemonade.  It tasted horrible and obviously had come out of a tin can.  I heard that at least 3 times.  Next it was the food.  Or lack of it.  What was taking so long?  Oh, well, "As long as I get MY sweet potato poppers," her voice grated, "that's ALL that matters."  And she meant it.  No joviality here.

Ironically, she and her family had just come from church.  I could read it in the way they were dressed.  You know, Sunday clothes.  It didn't hurt that I could also hear comments about the service and the upcoming revival.  How sad, I thought. Shouldn't this woman be HAPPIER, less grumbling; after all, she just left church?  Shouldn't her attitude be more gracious and her mouth at least a little more tame after having worshiped the God of all creation?  With people like that, no wonder non-believers want nothing to do with "church" and believers will have nothing to do with organized religion.  

But before I get too smug ....

Yes, while sitting there executing my own judgment toward the woman, the Holy Spirit reminded me of MY recent attitude.  Just moments earlier, minutes really, I had stood at that counter and, just short of rolling my eyes, sighed with great exasperation when the trainee told me that they were (once again) out of the item I ordered.  "Are you kidding me?  Do you ever plan to have it?  If not, then you need to take it off the menu.  (Another sigh.)  Just give me a grilled chicken," (which opened up another whole can of worms because "grilled chicken" is not listed on the register anywhere).  Yep, real Godly, I know.  And, yes, I, too, was donned in "Sunday clothes."  No getting around it.  I had just been to church.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  I MAKE MYSELF SO SICK SOMETIMES!!!! The only thing I could have done to make it worse was to ask her if she had a church somewhere, and if not, invite her to mine.  UGH!

As I stood at the kitchen sink this afternoon hulling strawberries for tonight's dinner, I pushed the play button to the radio.  As if on cue, Sidewalk Prophets' I Want to Live Like That began playing.  With thoughts of Sunday still weighing on me, that stainless basin suddenly became an altar. (You can click on the title above to hear it.)

Sometimes I think
What will people say of me 
When I'm only just a memory
When I'm home where my soul belongs 

Was I love when no one else would show up 
Was I Jesus to the least of those 
Was my worship more than just a song 

I want to live like that 
And give it all I have 
So that everything I say and do 
Points to You 

If love is who I am 
Then this is where I'll stand 
Recklessly abandoned 
Never holding back 

I want to live like that 
I want to live like that 

Am I proof 
That You are who you say You are 
That grace can really change a heart 
Do I live like Your love is true 

People pass 
And even if they don't know my name 
Is there evidence that I've been changed 
When they see me, do they see You 

I want to live like that 
And give it all I have 
So that everything I say and do 
Points to You 

If love is who I am 
Then this is where I'll stand 
Recklessly abandoned 
Never holding back 

I want to live like that 
I want to live like that 

I want to show the world the love You gave for me 
I'm longing for the world to know the glory of the King 

I want to live like that 
And give it all I have 
So that everything I say and do 
Points to You 

If love is who I am 
Then this is where I'll stand 
Recklessly abandoned 
Never holding back 

I want to live like that 
I want to live like that

Yes, I want to LIVE like that!  Not just dress like it.

Just an ordinary moment...

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